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  • Description:

    Provides a safe and medication-free treatment known as LENS. During sessions a therapist attaches sensors to the client's head in order to record their brainwaves (EEG waves). LENS mirrors back the brain's faint electromagnetic impulses. This brain-mirroring allows dysfunctional patterns in the brain to reorganize and optimize functions. The information signal is far weaker than the electromagnetic field around a wrist watch, yet it typically triggers the brain to make profound, lasting changes. Safe for children, adolescents, and adults. LENS is shown to be particularly effective with children. Helps to treat ADD and ADHD, behavioral problems, and a variety of other brain health conditions.

    Visit the scheduling site to set up an appointment.

  • Website:
  • Phone(s): (415) 326-5000
  • Hours: Mon 9am - 6pm; Tue 9am - 6pm; Wed 9am - 6pm; Thu 9am - 6pm; Fri 9am - 6pm;
  • Eligibility: Open to all
  • Requirements: None
  • Areas Served:
    • Marin United States
  • Categories:
  • Contacts:


Location Name: MAIN OFFICE

  • Accessibility: Potential limitations to access, call for details
  • Physical Address: 45 Camino Alto, Suite 204, Mill Valley, CA, 94941

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