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  • Description: The Salt Mine is a public charity, offering emergency services to the city of Lincoln and surrounding communities. Their main charitable activity is the food closet, presently offering emergency food to over one thousand needy families in the area each month.In addition, they help with emergency clothing, household items, and transportation. Other emergency needs are met on an 'as available basis' or by referral such as bathing and laundry facilities to name a few.The food closet is funded by the generous donations of friends of The Salt Mine and through the proceeds from the sales at their two thrift stores in Lincoln (The Salt Seller, 454 F Street and The Salt Mine Thrift Shop, 103 Flocchini Circle).All items sold in these thrift shops are donated by local supporters.The Salt Mine is sponsored by Vine Life Ministries, Inc., and has been in operation for over twenty-five years.The Salt Mine is fully qualified with the IRS and the State of California for maximum tax deductions (501 (c) (3)).The Salt Mine offers emergency and hot lunches Tuesday - Friday 10 AM - 12 PM.The Salt Mine offers emergency and hot lunches Tuesday - Friday 10 AM - 12 PM.
  • Website:
  • Email:
  • Phone(s): (916) 645-3778
  • Hours: Tue-Fri 10am-12pm
  • Areas Served:
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  • Contacts:


Location Name: SALT MINE

  • Physical Address: 590 Lincoln Boulevard, Lincoln, CA, 95648

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