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  • Description: Dr. Loriene Honda approaches her work from a strengths-based perspective, focusing on helping clients to access their innate strengths as they progressively gain more insight on how their past experiences, family-of-origin dynamics, and personal challenges might inform and influence the decisions they make today in their relationships and approach to life.Her style is interactive, client-centered, and compassionate, and she often incorporates a solution-focused approach through the use of cognitive-behavioral techniques. In her work with children/adolescents and families, she views parents and primary caregivers as valuable and indispensable partners in the therapeutic process.Whenever clinically-appropriate and possible, she invites parents and primary caregivers to participate through check-ins at the beginning of sessions so that she may more accurately target issues of importance and concern from both the parent's/caregiver's and child's perspective. With older pre-teens and adolescent-aged clients, she continues to emphasize the importance of parental input and feedback, but is careful to elicit this in a manner that maintains the confidentiality and sense of trust built with the young client, within clinically-appropriate limits.One of her goals is to strengthen and bridge communication between parents and their children so that the young clients are able to develop the insight and skills to express, or improve their ability to express directly to their parents, any difficult feelings and concerns they may have.Areas of Treatment Focus: Personal growth empowerment optimizing quality of life Anxiety depression adjustment challenge Cultural identity and acculturation issues Academic perfectionism Difficulties adjusting to college life high school junior high Asian-American racial and generational identity issues Performance anxiety social anxiety Adjustment difficulty related to academic and learning challenges Childhood abuse neglect and trauma Coping with parental substance abuse Dealing with the effects of exposure to domestic violence Enhancing attachment and bonding Children with hearing impairments/hearing loss Adolescent adjustment issues Coping with separation and divorce
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  • Phone(s): (530) 400-7298
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  • Physical Address: 613 G Street, Suite A, Davis, CA, 95616

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