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  • Description: A Community For Peace's program, For Kid's Sake, serves children ages 0-12 who have been impacted by domestic violence and family violence. Our therapeutic play care programs are designed to provide children with a safe environment in which they can heal from the impact of violence, while simultaneously learning new ways to be, with themselves and with others, that are both safe and kind.IMPACT ON KIDS: CHILDREN IMPACTED BY DOMESTIC VIOLENCE MAY DISPLAY THE FOLLOWING. Headaches, stomach aches Sleeplessness, fears of going to sleep, nightmares, dreams of danger Anxiety about being hurt or killed Hyper-vigilant about danger Fighting with, or hurting other kids or animals Feelings of loneliness and isolation Temper tantrums, withdrawal from other people and activities Depression and anxiety Substance abuse, suicide attempts Fear of going to school or fear of being separated from their mother Truancy, stealing, frozen watchfulness Acting perfect, over-achieving, behaving like little adults Difficulty concentrating and paying attention Bed-wetting or regression to earlier stages of development Problems at school; homework, behavior, social interactionsFor more information, contact Katie at kids@acommunityforpeace.orgVolunteerA Community For Peace encourages volunteers to work with kids in Trauma Informed Playcare. For Kid's SAKE provides free therapeutic play care to DVAS while they attend DVAS 101 and DVAS plus. You can also help by donating items for our kids: Healthy snacks and juice boxes Diapers Art supplies - clay, paints, artist pads and brushes
  • Website:
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  • Phone(s): (916) 728-5613, (916) 728-7210
  • Eligibility: Ages 0-12
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Location Name: FOR KID'S SAKE

  • Physical Address: 6060 Sunrise Vista Drive, Suite 2340, Citrus Heights, CA, 95610

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