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  • Description: On a Mission to Give Kids PowerWhy, with near consensus in our country on creating equal opportunity for all children, regardless of race or income, do kids fare so poorly in public policymaking Despite the existence of thousands of groups fighting for numerous child-related causes, the lack of a powerful, unified advocacy effort has allowed other interests to continually supersede kids in priority and resources. The children's base is fractured and kids are losing out.Children Now is the unified, scalable solution: We serve as the hub for all of the key children's issues, supporting and connecting thousands of groups in California to create an unprecedented power base for kids. To accomplish this, Children Now employs the top three strategies that all of the country's strongest interest groups have in common and, for the first time, applies those to kids:Umbrella Coverage Children Now covers the full range of key children's issues, including early childhood, education reform, children's health, foster care and juvenile justice, allowing us to develop sensible policies because children's issues are interdependent and can't be addressed effectively in silos. Then, just as other interest groups reduce multiple, complex policy issues to being "Pro" or "Anti" their constituents (i.e. "Pro-Business," "Pro-Labor," "Anti-Tax," "Pro-Gun"), Children Now represents the support for all of its issues as "Pro-Kid". No one wants to be "Anti-Kid".
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  • Phone(s): (510) 763-1974, (510) 763-2444
  • Hours: No information has been provided by Agency.
  • Eligibility: None
  • Requirements: No information has been provided by Agency.
  • Areas Served:
    • United States
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  • Physical Address: 1303 J Street, Suite 370, Sacramento, CA, 95814

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