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  • Description: Remi Vista seeks to meet the needs of the developmentally disabled in our communities by providing behavioral and in-home support services. Remi Vista serves in four different ways:SLS: Supportive Living Services:Adults with special needs can find help to manage their daily living through our SLS program. Our staff help these adults with such things as managing prescriptions, shopping for food or clothing, cooking meals, job hunting and more. Services may be provided a few hours a day or 24 hours a day. The SLS program runs out of our Humboldt and Del Norte County Offices.Applied Behavior Analysis:Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a proven method of helping individuals, including those with autism, learn important life skills such as communication, social interaction, and self-care. It is also very effective in helping people unlearn harmful or problematic behaviors such as self-harm, aggression, and defiance. We have individual services in consumers homes at our Shasta, Siskiyou, and Butte Regions as well as a clinic based model in our Butte office.ACT: Assertive Community Treatment:ACT services are utilized for individuals with special needs who are struggling to manage their behavior in the community or at home. Children are most often the recipients of these services, but adults may receive services as well. Remi Vista works with care givers and consumers to help promote positive behavioral change. Services occur in the home of the consumer with the consumer and caregivers. They may also happen in community locations to help the consumer with his or her daily routines and life skills.IDP: Infant Development Program:The Infant Development Program is a short-term program designed to assess infant development for children who may be at risk for developmental disabilities and work a structured program to try and bring the infant's development on-track. Our staff work directly with the infant and his or her parents to develop the key skills necessary for motor development.Intensive Residential Treatment ProgramRemi Vista has three homes in Redding serving children with developmental disabilities. These homes help those children who are struggling behaviorally to the point that they cannot stay at home with their families. Our residential counselors work each day with the children to help them learn new ways to communicate their needs and develop the skills necessary to succeed at home and in their community. We have two co-ed homes for youth that may stay with us through their 18th birthday, and we have an Intensive Crisis Home for youth who are in crisis and need to be stabilized in order to work on their behavior in a calm environment.
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  • Phone(s): (707) 268-8722
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  • Physical Address: 370 9th Street, Crescent City, CA, 95531

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