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  • Description: The job market provides the following comprehensive job search and re-training opportunities to help job seekers get back to work. All services are provided free of charge. CAREER PLANNING . One-on-one vocational counseling . Information on growing companies and where to find the best jobs locally . Professional assessments to help find what career/job is best for you . Labor market information that includes wages and the education/training needed for different career pathsJOB SEARCH ASSISTANCE . Self-service computers for job searches . Drop-in computer lab for help with your job search . One-on-one vocational counseling to guide your job searchVOCATIONAL TRAINING . Computer training - The Basics, plus Microsoft Office Word and Excel . Keyboarding (typing) skills and keyboard speed testing . Educational support to obtain a GED or equivalent or to improve basic reading, writing or math skills to help get a job . Training to: Update your skills or learn new skills Obtain a degree, certification or other credential . We can provide fund to pay for training to eligible low-income or laid off workers, such as Tuition and associated training costs (books, tools, uniforms, etc.) Travel costs for approved trainings not provided locally On-the-Job training via wage reimbursements to employersSPECIAL ASSISTANCE FOR . Military Veterans . Youth ages 16-24 . Seniors ages 55 and over . Individuals with disabilities
  • Website:
  • Phone(s): (800) 242-1353, (707) 445-6530, (707) 445-6276
  • Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.Monday through Friday
  • Areas Served:
    • Del Norte United States
    • Humboldt United States
    • Fresno United States
  • Categories:
  • Contacts:



  • Physical Address: 409 K Street, Eureka, CA, 95501

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