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  • Description: The Parent Project is an 11-week course on parenting a strong-willed teen. When the tools and skills that worked for the compliant child don't work with your's time to consider a different strategy. We teach you how to parent the child you have. The Parent Project is offered through a partnership between Humboldt County Office of Education, local school districts, Humboldt County Probation, and many stakeholder agencies. The curriculum generates a lot of parent discussion, and the facilitators observe that parents adapt information to work within their family and ethnic cultures. Topics include: substance use, truancy, defiance, poor school performance, law breaking, and constant arguing. Meets criteria for court ordered parenting requirements.
  • Website:
  • Phone(s): (707) 825-2585, (707) 445-7098, (707) 825-2538
  • Hours: M-F 8-5
  • Eligibility: Any parent or guardian of a child age 10 or older
  • Areas Served:
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  • Contacts:


Location Name: FORTUNA

  • Physical Address: 2089 Newburg Rd, Fortuna, CA, 95540

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