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  • Description: We are uniquely qualified to offer premium oncology rehabilitation services to cancer survivors undergoing treatment or living with its aftermath. Our program has been created to help survivors physically and emotionally heal from the side-effects of treatments. We provide our patients with the most comprehensive rehabilitation care available and all of our services are reimbursable by most health insurance providers.We are committed to helping you reach optimal recoveryA cancer diagnosis can be traumatic, and so can life-saving treatments. Chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery can harm health and cause serious medical problems that interfere with daily function and well-being. Survivors are commonly plagued with symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, insomnia, memory loss, fear, anxiety and depression. St. Joseph Health offers important physical and psychological rehabilitation to survivors so they can recover more quickly and more completely than they would otherwise.Whether you're newly diagnosed or long finished with treatment, we can helpWe serve all survivors in need, whether they are beginning treatment, finished with treatment, or experiencing late effects or unresolved issues from long-ago treatment. Our program is open to everyone no matter the prognosis, cancer stage or phase of recovery. Newly diagnosed patients may want to increase their strength and endurance and prevent future medical problems; survivors living with cancer as a chronic disease may come to us for help managing treatment-related conditions; and individuals who are cured or in remission may enroll in our program with the goal of boosting their immune systems so that they can heal as well as possible.Our highly trained medical staff awaits youOur rehabilitation care, based on conventional medicine, is offered to patients by a knowledgeable and sensitive medical staff, specially trained to treat survivors of all forms of cancer. They are medical experts at the top of their fields and comprise a variety of disciplines: physicians physical therapists occupational therapists speech and swallowing therapists registered dieticians and nutritionists mental health professionalsWhen evaluating your needs we look at the "big picture"Rather than using a "problem-oriented" approach and tackle each health issue as it arises, we address the full spectrum of post-cancer care. When evaluating a patient, in addition to focusing on his or her health conditions and symptoms, we take into consideration: diet, sleep issues, existing pain, endurance, strength, exercise habits and emotional outlook.We offer you a personalized rehab plan with an interdisciplinary approachAfter undergoing a thorough evaluation by a physician, a "team" of medical specialists is assigned to each patient according to his or her individual needs. The health care "team" creates a personalized rehabilitation plan, with the goals of increasing strength and energy, alleviating pain, improving physical functioning, achieving emotional balance and boosting the immune system. Each team member provides his or her expert medical guidance, training, encouragement and support, for the duration of the program.
  • Website:
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  • Phone(s): (707) 441-4454, (707) 445-8121
  • Areas Served:
    • Fortuna Humboldt United States
    • Eureka Humboldt United States
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  • Physical Address: 2024 Harrison Avenue, Eureka, 3300 Renner Drive. Fortuna, CA

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