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  • Description: We value the presence of children in our midst and provide a special Children's Time for them near the beginning of each service. On the first Sunday of the each month, this takes the form of a puppet show! The focus is always a message of inclusion, love and kindness designed just for them. Younger children who get restless may play in our "canopy" area where caregivers can still hear the scripture and sermon.Kids 3-5 have a "Little Lights" program focused on the ways we experience God's love in our daily lives. Kids in 1st-5th grades go to ARK where they are currently using "A Joyful Path" curriculum published by Progressive Christianity.6th - 8th graders participate in X-PLORE for their own age appropriate learning opportunities."Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them, for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs." Luke 18: 16We offer special activities for children throughout the year: Christmas Pageant Easter Egg Hunt Liturgical Dance Camp Opportunities Singing in Worship Hanging the GreensSummer Camp is an opportunity our congregation subsidizes so that upper elementary, middle school and high school kids can grow in faith while having fun in a beautiful outdoor setting. Middle school kids participate in year-round events for service, fun and community building, as well as fundraising in order to make camp available to all.
  • Website:
  • Email:
  • Phone(s): (707) 445-5488
  • Hours: Mon N/A - N/A; Tue N/A - N/A; Wed N/A - N/A; Thu N/A - N/A; Fri N/A - N/A; Sat N/A - N/A; Sun N/A - N/A;
  • Areas Served:
    • Eureka Humboldt United States
  • Categories:
  • Contacts:



  • Physical Address: 900 Hodgson St, Eureka, CA

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