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  • Description:

    Provides Law Enforcement Services to Cloverdale residents. Includes the including:

    • Crime Stoppers- offers the ability to submit information and remain anonymous.
    • Volunteer Cadet Program- provides youth with hands-on career activities related to law enforcement
    • Medical Marijuana Cultivation Ordinance and Information- maintains local control of medical marijuana ordinances
  • Website:
  • Phone(s): 911, (707) 894-2150
  • Hours: Emergency Police Services available 24/7 Volunteer Cadet Program hours vary, call or visit the website for details.
  • Eligibility: Open to all
  • Requirements: Varies upon service needed
  • Areas Served:
    • Cloverdale Sonoma United States
  • Categories:
  • Contacts:


Location Name: MAIN OFFICE

  • Accessibility: Potential limitations to access - call for details
  • Physical Address: 112 Broad Street, Cloverdale, CA, 95425

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