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  • Description:

    Domestic Violence Hotline

    Provides a 24/7 hotline and face-to-face response to victims of domestic violence. Services include:

    • Advocacy
    • Crisis counseling
    • Assistance with domestic violence restraining orders
    • Referrals for additional services such as safe shelter
    • Crime victim accompaniment services
    • Assistance applying for the Safe at Home confidential address program

    Safe Haven Domestic Violence Shelter

    Provides victims of domestic violence who are fleeing abuse with a safe and confidential 30-day shelter stay. Program offers participants:

    • Safety planning
    • Case management
    • Counseling
    • Food
    • Clothing
    • Restraining order assistance
    • Referrals
    • Social service advocacy and support

    PLEASE NOTE : Domestic violence programs do not confirm or deny involvement of any particular person in DV/shelter services.

    Domestic Violence Support Groups

    Provides confidential support group for adults who are in, or have previously been in, a domestic violence relationship.

  • Website:
  • Phone(s): (800) 636-6738
  • Hours: 24/7 services
  • Eligibility: Hotline & Support Groups: Open to all survivors of domestic violence. Safe Haven Eligibility: Must be an adult victim (18 years or older) fleeing a domestic violence situation
  • Requirements: None
  • Areas Served:
    • Ventura United States
  • Categories:
  • Contacts:



  • Accessibility: Not applicable
  • Physical Address: Confidential Location, CA

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