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  • Description: Offers reimbursements to assist victims in paying crime-related bills and expenses. Crimes covered by CalVCB include but are not limited to: Assault with a deadly weapon Battery Child abuse Child sexual assault Child endangerment and abandonment Domestic violence Driving under the influence Elder abuse Hate crimes Homicide Human trafficking Hit and run Kidnapping Murder Online harassment Rape Robbery Sexual assault Stalking Sexual battery Terrorism Vehicular manslaughter Other crimes that result in physical injury or a threat of physical injury to the victimFor some crimes, victims may be eligible for compensation for emotional injury alone. These crimes include: Child abandonment Child abduction NeglectCalVBC cannot pay for any expense not related to the crime, any expenses paid by insurance or another source of reimbursement or coverage, expenses for lost, stolen or damaged property, or damages for pain and suffering.There are limits on how much can be paid for loss.
  • Website:
  • Phone(s): (800) 777-9229, (209) 468-2500
  • Hours: Mon 8am - 5pm; Tue 8am - 5pm; Wed 8am - 5pm; Thu 8am - 5pm; Fri 8am - 5pm;
  • Eligibility: To be eligible for compensation, victims must be:*A California resident at the time of the crime, or A non-resident victimized in California.*The crime must involve: . Physical injury. Threat of physical injury. Death. Emotional injury in some cases*Victims must:. Cooperate with police and court officials to arrest and prosecute the offender. Exceptions may apply. Cooperate with CalVCB staff. Not have been involved in events leading to the crime.. Not have committed a felony at the time of the crime. File the application within time limits. These are:. Within seven years of the crime, or. Seven years after the direct victim turns 21 years of age, or. Seven years from when the crime could have been discovered, whichever is later.. Some applications filed later than this may be considered. File a Late Consideration Form if that is the case.Kinds of eligible victims:*Direct victim: A direct victim is the individual who is the victim of a qualifying crime. Sometimes a witness to a crime is considered a direct victim.*Derivative victim: A derivative victim is an individual with a relationship to a direct victim who has expenses or needs services because of that person's injury or death. This can be a: . Spouse. Parent. Sibling. Child. Grandchild. Grandparent. Domestic partner. Roommate. Caretaker of a minor victim, after the crime*Good Samaritan: A Good Samaritan is someone who took a direct action that benefited the public. This includes preventing a crime or rescuing a person in immediate danger. To be reimbursed, use the Application for Good Samaritan Compensation.
  • Requirements: . Documentation that a crime has occurred . Claimant cannot, at any time, be a contributor to or involved in the commission of the crime . An application is filed within three years from the date of crime, or an explanation is provided as to why it was not filed on time . Claimant is cooperating with law enforcement agencies in the apprehension and conviction of the criminal(s) who committed the crime . Claimant cannot be on felony probation, on parole, in jail or in Prison
  • Areas Served:
    • San Joaquin United States
  • Categories:
  • Contacts:



  • Accessibility: Fully accessible to individuals using mobility aids
  • Physical Address: 222 East Weber Avenue, First Floor, Room 101, Stockton, CA, 95202

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